Bushfire Protection Board
In Australia, there are certain environmental, weather and climatic conditions that have become the norm and are expected to vary from season to season. Bushfire building is a primary focus in bushfire rated areas under the bushfire attack code up to BAL FZ (Bushfire Attack Level “Flame Zone”). Every summer with high heat and strong winds which promote bushfires results in great loss of lives and properties.
FireCrunch provides bushfire protection burning down your home.!
FireCrunch has recognised the absolute importance of creating a building solution to minimise the risk of potential damage and injury from fires to our best abilities. By implementing revolutionary technology and innovative materials, our MgO building board reflects certification via CSIRO fire tests to DTS solutions/and alternative NCC with Fire Resistance Levels (FRL) 90/90/90 as a standard well over the FRL of 30/30/30 required for bushfire resistant building.
Fireproof plasterboard cannot be used for exterior fire walls and FireCrunch fireproof building board is the only cost-effective answer for new and renovating home owners in bushfire BAL 40 and BAL FZ areas.
When considering a direct comparison against building boards that are made with plaster, there is no real comparison (See FAQ Page). For homes and buildings to be built to last and withstand the serious Australian climatic elements, they need to be built with FireCrunch.