Building Boards Blue Mountains

Building Board Gold Coast
Building Boards Melbourne

Bushfire building and Safe Bushfire building

Plasterboard Gyprock is typical of the many gypsum products which are used in fire resistant plasterboard building construction. It is made up of simple materials like gypsum as well as paper. It is used in a wide array of applications like sound control, partitions, wall lining, sound control and partitions. The major Fireproof building board and Fire resistant plasterboard and impact damage that are associated with Gyprock Alternative Plasterboard will not occur with FireCrunch magnesium Oxide MgO composites which are also very low CO2 output almost carbon neutral.

Until very recently this was the only choice open to architects designer and builders looking still for a gyprock alternative like magnesium (MgO) composite building boards which are in fact FireCrunch

FireCrunch FIRE RESISTANT AND FIRE PROOF BUILDING BOARD, BAL FZ are used extensively in places like the BLUE MOUNTAINS and other BUSHFIRE BAL FZ, Blue Mountains and other areas like Victoria and many other states where BushFire BAL FZ conditions and those from BAL 12.5, BAL 19, BAL 29 and BAL 40 plus BAL FZ and BUSHFIRE CERTIFIED CLADDING are mandatory

FireCrunch is a BAL FZ certified and tested building product for internal and external Fire safe and FIRERE CERTIFIED BUILDING BOARD. These FIRE SAFE BUILDING BOARD products are mainly built to withstand the higher temperatures required in Hi rise buildings but also the FIRESTORM BAL FZ effects on BUSHFIRE CERTIFIED BUILING as well as HIGH temperature variations. These FireCrunch FIRE TESTED and FIRE CERTIFIED boards are FIRE SAFE resistant to fire and extreme prolonged high temperatures without combustion or flame out, and are totally non-combustible Fire resistant building boards . FireCrunch can be cut, drilled, sawn, routed with standard timber working tools making installations fast and economic

Gyprock ALTERNATIVE does have an Alternative plasterboard solution, it called FireCrunch a CSIRO FIRE TESTED and FIRE CERTIFIED BUILDING BOARD now used extensively not only in the BLUE MOUNTAINS NSW but all other states of Australia where FIRE SAFE, FIRE CERTIFIED AND FIRE TESTED BUILDING BOARD IS REQUIRED.

FireCrunch is a most effective ( MgO) GYPROCK ALTERNATIVE BUILDING BOARD and ALTERNATIVE PLASTERBOARD. Made of Magnesium oxide MgO composites, it is an environmental building board. It is designed for the purpose of ceiling linings, wall linings roof linings and flooring, wet and dry areas interior exterior both in residential as well as commercial and hi rise residential buildings where a high (Fire) FRL is required.

Gyprock is being replaced by Gyprock Alternative PLASTERBOARD and ENVIRONMENTAL plasterboard and environmental building board like FireCrunch which is a virtual Carbon Neutral LOW CO2 through manufacturing of this unique low carbon non Pollutive FireCrunch, high impact FIRE SAFE BUILDING BOARD product

Environmental plasterboard,Blue Mountains . Each of the Gyprock alternative building board is FireCrunch, under this category is manufactured with a higher level of recycled content and also by allowing the ENVIRONMENTAL BUILDING BOARD to meet the need for attaining the respective Green star points.

We supply CSIRO Certified Building Board and certified Fireproof FireCrunch FIRE SAFE BUILDING BOARD to the construction industry. Our FIRE TESTED BUILDING BOARD is exceptionally durable, high strength, moisture resistant and with ease of installation. With its wide range of characteristics, qualities and its ability to withstand very high temperature, makes it the first choice of quality building construction covering every aspect of High Fire FRL 90/90/90 and beyond ***protections for a wide array of applications. ***

Water efficiency

FireCrunch recognizes the need of using water resources effectively and efficiently. We manage the disposal of water as per the industrial standards at our manufacturing facilities.

Reduced energy consumption

The manufacturing process of FireCrunch, Environmental building board minimizes CO2 greenhouse gas emissions up to 90% .

FireCrunch FIRE PROOF BUILDING BOARD and Acoustic values

Unlike paper based Gyprock board, FireCrunch fire resistant building board has a very high value acoustic rating
Tested in Australia AS/414) ISO 717.1 to Rw 62 plus ctr net at Rw 52 ( BCA 50)

The FireCrunch FIRE TESTED, CERTIFIED building board AND ALTERNATIVE BUILDING BOARD product is very well suited to high traffic areas and areas where wall damage could occur.

FireCrunch is up to 10 times stronger than Fireproof plasterBoard Gyprock and ideal for use in FIRE SAFE BUILDING BOARD areas of public buildings, libraries, hospitals, schools medical centres and prisons with high and heavy traffic volumes, auditoriums theatres and all walls floors and ceilings. FireCrunch also has great health features in that mould and mildew will not accumulate and bacteria cannot survive on (MgO) FireCrunch. This makes it the best choice for schools, hospitals, medical centres,and all wet area application for this multipurpose interior /exterior FIRE RESISTANT BUILDING BOARD material with an instant Class 5 top grade commercial surface finish with sealer and 2 top coats .

Building Board Gold Coast
Building Boards Melbourne