Fire Resistant Decking Board

Fire Resistant Bushfire Building
Fire Resistant Flooring Board

Are you looking for a fire resistant decking board?

If you are currently living in, or contemplating living in or building in an area that is highly susceptible to bushfires, then our fire resistant decking board range is the responsible decision for you. Given the harsh and unpredictable Australian climate, our fire resistant decking board range is 100% fire safe, meaning you can now build or live in a high risk fire area with the added peace of mind that you deserve. Here at FireCrunch, we are dedicated to manufacturing our fire-resistant decking board range and other products in an environmentally responsible manner. Bushfire resistant building FCA meets full BAL (FZ) (FLAME ZONE AS 3959) with a single 10mm board each side of frames (exceptional capability) NATA/ CSIRO FIRE TESTED AS1530.4-2014 (C1..C19)-/ 2025, AS 1530.8.2 FIRE FURNACE TESTS AND FIRE ENGINEERING CERTIFICATES (NCC).

Looking after the planet and environment is a top priority, which is why our fireproof decking board range at FireCrunch are made completely free of harsh and harmful toxins and particles. With the superior design and build, our fire resistant decking board range is resistant to any form of deterioration or warping even when subjected to high temperatures. In any area, building materials including fire rated decking board can also be attacked by termites and other pests. FCA is made of magnesium oxide and magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) which is totally inedible by termites and eliminates expensive timber destruction.

Keeping your family in a domestic setting or employees safe in a commercial setting is guaranteed when you select from our FCA fire tested building board and fire-resistant decking board range that has undergone thorough testing and has been CRISO certificated. Stop compromising your time and budget when looking for the best fire rated decking board range when you can discover the FireCrunch difference for yourself today. Fire safe, reliable and environmentally friendly, our decking board range will be sure to meet and exceed your specific needs effectively.

Call us on 1300 933 102 or email for updated information and pricing checks.

Fire Resistant Bushfire Building
Fire Resistant Flooring Board