About FireCrunch – The Real Value of Magnesium Oxide Construction

Fire Protection for your homeBushfire protection is what we do
FloodClad | Waterproof Cladding | Walls Floors Ceilings Roof Eaves Lismore – 1st March 2022 – photo: David LoweRevolutionary Interior/Exterior Cladding Product

As governments struggle with climate change policies and the use of building materials suited for the diverse Australian climate, one manufacturer in the Australian construction industry has already made the move to planet-friendly building materials.

Developing stronger and more durable 21st century techniques, the FireCrunch composite (Green Now) structural building material eliminates some 95% of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions in production. It also eradicates the need for mass destruction of oxygen-generating CO2 absorbing trees just to make weak, ineffective, paper-lined plasterboard.

New Generation Product with Multiple Benefits

Magnesium Oxy-sulphate (MgSO4) is a recent development in a new generation of MgO products, which has no corrosive chloride, (MgChl2), using sulphate bonders (MgSO4) which also eliminates any kind of metal corrosion (NATA Labs tested Australia).

Corrosion was a common issue with early MgO boards when they were not carefully and correctly sealed. That issue no longer exists with this new advanced cladding product, which provides several direct and indirect benefits.

Multiple Protections

  • Eliminates 14 other separate use cladding products in one board.

  • Fireproof (AS1530.4-2014 -2014) 30 to 120 minutes systems ATL NATA (CSIRO) tested.

  • Waterproof in flood, just dry and repaint.

  • More than eight times stronger than plasterboard.

  • Provides 100% protection from termites.

  • Mould and bacteria-proof, creating healthier homes, public buildings, hospitals, etc.

  • Cuts with timber tools.

  • Cut and snap 10m like plasterboard.

  • Single 10mm sheet does what two 16mm plasterboard requires for 1000℃ 90 minutes.

  • Used for walls, inter-tenancy walls, fire separation walls with a decorative timber appearance interior/exterior grooved board which is totally non-combustible.

  • AS1530.1 and AS1530.4-2014-2014 NCC 2022 valid to 2029 systems tested for 90 minutes on load bearing 1.15 BMT steel wall, 55kN 1000℃, single 10mm sheet/PS. and FRL–120/120 (NLB)

Fire and Finish Board in Single Sheet

Whether it’s a multi-storey residential building, fire exits, stairs, lift wells, electronic switchgear board protection, residential or commercial boundary wall problems, factory dividing fire walls, fire dampeners, columns and beam protection, bushfire attack level flame zone (BAL FZ), plus 90% of major fire protection issues, FireCrunch provides the fire protection and the 100% top class finish.

Cost Comparisons

In lightweight steel or timber support frame construction, FireCrunch eliminates between three and six layers of other products, depending on the fire resistance level required. Less product means less weight, lower transport cost, less site labour, less crane work, less material and less install time.

Material costs and labour can drop as much as 50%, increasing the project’s return on investment, and producing a top class finish with regular roll-on undercoats and paints.

FireCrunch is sold directly to licensed builders (warranty) and construction companies – this is not a DIY product.

Some major construction companies and projects using FireCrunch include:

  • WA – Olson Power Project
  • WA – Amazon Distribution Centre, Jandacot Perth, 200,000 m2
  • NSW – Five major NSW Department of Justice prisons by Lend Lease, John Holland Richard Crookes
  • NSW – West Connex Sydney project by John Holland
  • NSW – Campbelltown Hospital by Cubic Construction
  • NSW – The Children’s Hospital at Westmead additions
  • NSW –Royal Australian Naval base ( Gunnery) Sydney
  • NSW—Royal Australian Airforce accommodation apartments Fairfield
  • QLD – The Gabba stadium
  • QLD Government projects
  • WA – Dematic Australia Pty Ltd – 14,000 m2 warehouse flooring
  • NSW – Charles Sturt University Coffs Harbour accommodation modules
  • QLD – Mirvac Heritage CBD Brisbane
  • QLD – Mammoth Storage Brisbane 3000 m2 flooring
  • A very large number of bushfire BAL FZ residential and general commercial constructions in suburban and bush fire areas

For more information or to get a quote, call 1300 933 102  or email sales@firecrunch.com.au.

By: Peter Jones, CEO FireCrunch Australasia Pty Ltd
Source: Build Australia magazine, January 2021

Fire Protection for your homeBushfire protection is what we do
FloodClad | Waterproof Cladding | Walls Floors Ceilings Roof Eaves Lismore – 1st March 2022 – photo: David LoweRevolutionary Interior/Exterior Cladding Product