Get the best CSIRO fire tested building boards
FireCrunch Brisbane
Fire tested by the CSIRO a NATA accredited BCA Fire testing authority
FireCrunch offer a fast and efficient service throughout the country. You can obtain strong, water resistant, termite proof, insulated, environmental building board for major construction applications needing fire tested building board and fire safe building board. From calculations to the installation, we offer tech support services for our clients by providing the best information and advice. Our tech support team is able to answer a list of questions regarding Fire resistant building board.
We are always looking to satisfy our clients in every way with innovation and continual product improvement to benefit our customers. Other benefits of our Gyprock Alternative Building Board are its inherent structural and bracing strength and providing a light weight building capability. FireCrunch is easy to handle and install.
Bush fire Ember attack is the main contributor to home loss by fire in Australia so Home fire protection is one of our essential fire combat areas to eliminate Bushfire EMBER ATTACK . To withstand in such extreme conditions FireCrunch is designed with special care to suit home fire protection, bushfire building and safe bushfire building with a product meeting all regulatory requirements in Bushfire BAL FZ under AS 1530.8.2 and and has been fire tested to levels far above BAL FZ by the CSIRO to meet Australian BCA standards.
Termite proof Building
FireCrunch is also termite and pest proof so if you decide to use timber framing ( which we would caution against in a bushfire zoned area) FireCrunch fire tested building board is also a termite proof building board and will protect timber framing. This Environmental building board multipurpose and gyprock Alternative building board product is used in housing, infrastructure, high-rise and commercial building activities. FireCrunch is sold in Square and recessed edge, Tongue and Groove flooring 20mm and ship lap in 20mm flooring and wall substrates. Timber “look alike” match lining and weatherboard board appearance, for non combustible bushfire sage building board.
Bushfires and real tested real time/ FireCrunch
FireCrunch provides the maximum BAL FZ, Bushfire building and bushfire safe building flame zone BAL FZ, home fire protection and CSIRO tested fire safe building boards. We offer economical and most suitable fire tested building products tested by Australian NATA accredited testing laboratories for your applications. We allow you to obtain high quality building boards at a lower price.
Our Fire Safe Building Board provides exceptional strength, ease of use, working installation, and impact resistance. With an array of characteristics, qualities and also able to withstand high temperature, our building boards are suitable for many and various applications. Magnesium Oxide is mainly used in the manufacture of our products which unlike paper based Gyprock plasterboard totally eliminates Bacteria growth, mould, mildew and insect infestation and is a major consideration for health
Moisture resistant boards
Our specially formulated certified building boards will not retain moisture,there is no degradation in water or flooding.
FireCrunch supplies a full range of Fire rated and water resistant building board
Most building projects require a range of differing fire, acoustic, and wet area boards internal and external
FireCrunch supplies all of these essential needs in ONE new Fireproof building board
Environmental building board .
FireCrunch unlike environmental plasterboard really is almost carbon neutral with carbonation draw back of 90% of the CO2 used in manufacture Plasterboard and cement type products do not have this “carbonation” curing benefit over 14 days, so the term Gyprock Environmental plasterboard is not correct
Our building boards are non toxic and contain no asbestos or other harmful content see Govt MSDS and Australian certification BY CLEARSAFE a NATA Accredited laboratory complying with AS 4964 Non Asbestos test.
FireCrunch is produced with 90% less CO2. So our Gyprock Alternative Plasterboard is tree friendly and also earth friendly. In the manufacturing process of tree friendly boards, only a small amount of timber chip is used. Our boards are not like plasterboards, these are re-usable, and you can re-cut and use it again.
FireCrunch also cuts with timber tools and is major time and cost benefit when cutting through expensive heavy and hard to cut CFC.
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